Automobility to Sponsor Doon Insights’ Mobility Tech Workshops - Automobility
Creating the Future of Mobility
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Automobility to Sponsor Doon Insights’ Mobility Tech Workshops

On November 12th, the 10th annual Mobility Tech Workshop will delve into the latest trends and challenges in the mobility sector. The workshop will feature a lineup of 10+ promising startups and discussion panels on “The State of the Global Battery Supply Chain” and “From Private Placement to IPO: The New Path for Mobility Tech.” The program will also include 10+ “Something on My Mind” (SOMM) interactive mini sessions, led by industry leaders, investors, and technologists. This year’s event will take place at the scenic Cocoanut Grove in Santa Cruz, with an evening reception in Bonny Doon, allowing attendees to experience both the coastal and mountainous landscapes of California.

首先是在11月12日, Doon Insights 将举办第十届“移动出行科技投资洽谈会”,深入探讨移动出行科技领域的最新趋势和挑战。本次会议将邀请到超过十家在当下“热门”的初创公司,并就“全球电池供应链现状”和“从私募到 IPO:移动技术的新道路”等话题展开讨论;本次活动还将为来宾献上超过十轮精彩的“Something on My Mind(” SOMM)迷你互动环节,这些环节将由行业领袖、资深投资者和技术专家主持。本次活动的会议部分将在风景秀丽的圣克鲁斯 Cocoanut Grove 举行,并在当天晚些时候于邦尼顿举行晚宴,这使得与会者可以更加深入体验加州的沿海和山间风光。

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On November 13th, we are excited to introduce a new workshop, Manufacturing for Mobility in Mexico. This event will focus on Mexico’s emerging role as a near-shoring hub for EV production and the mobility supply chain. Industry experts and a delegation of policymakers, industrialists, and investors from Mexico will discuss the benefits of the USMCA, supportive Mexican government policies, and Mexico’s strategic importance in the global automotive and aerospace industries. This workshop will take place in Bonny Doon, CA.

之后的11月13日, Doon Insights 将呈现一种全新的活动形式,即“墨西哥移动出行/汽车制造业招商引资会”。本次活动将重点探讨墨西哥——作为北美地区重要的近岸生产基地,其在新能源汽车生产中的新兴角色以及该国快速发展的电动汽车供应链;参加活动的嘉宾中将有来自墨西哥的政策制定者、行业专家、实业家和投资人,这些嘉宾也将共同讨论《美墨加协议》所带来的区域优势和行业益处、墨西哥政府对于汽车制造业的扶持政策以及墨西哥在全球汽车和航空航天领域中的战略重要性;该场活动将在邦尼顿举行。


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