Bill Russo Speaks at AKL Summit in Helsinki - Automobility
Creating the Future of Mobility
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Bill Russo Speaks at AKL Summit in Helsinki


AKL is The Finnish Central Organization for Motor Trade and Repairs (Autoalan Keskusliitto) and the event was held at Helsinki’s newly re-opened Finlandia Hall.

Bill was warmly welcomed to the venue by AKL’s CEO Tero Lausala, where he spoke to the 800 attendees on the topic of our recent paper The Path to Globalization of China’s Automotive Industry – 2024 Edition, highlighting the recent moves made by Chinese companies to the international markets, especially in Europe.

He emphasized that China’s effort to go global, while similar to what has happened before with German, Japanese and Korean brands, comes at a time when the products emerging from China are delivering a value proposition prioritizing in-car connectivity and digital experience.

This runs counter to the narrative that China’s going global focus is purely around electric vehicles. In fact, over 78% of cars exported from China in 2024 were powered by gasoline.


This was another step in our continuing effort to help the world understand the significant changes in the automotive business in China, and how China’s emergence as an automotive powerhouse can accelerate the positive transformation of the global automotive industry.

In the past year, Bill has spoken on this topic at global dealer conferences in Hong Kong, Australia, Italy, Denmark, Turkey and Finland.



It is our Automobility Ltd goal to bring a balanced viewpoint regarding the challenges and opportunities that China presents to the global automotive industry, and to help clients from all parts of the value chain to determine how to deal with China going forward.

If your organization would like a custom briefing on the State of China’s Auto Market, please reach out to us at [email protected]

About Bill Russo

Bill Russo is the Founder and CEO of Automobility Limited, and is currently serving as the Chairman of the Automotive Committee at the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. His over 40 years of experience includes 15 years as an automotive executive with Chrysler, including 21 years of experience in China and Asia. He has also worked nearly 12 years in the electronics and information technology industries with IBM and Harman. He has worked as an advisor and consultant for numerous multinational and local Chinese firms in the formulation and implementation of their global market and product strategies.

Bill is a contributing author to the book Selling to China: Stories of Success, Failure, and Constant Change (2023), where he describes how China has become the most commercially innovative place to do business in the world’s auto industry – and why those hoping to compete globally must continue to be in the market.

About Automobility

Automobility Limited is global Strategy & Investment Advisory firm based in Shanghai that is focused on helping its clients to Build and Profit from the Future of Mobility.  We help our clients address and solve their toughest business and management issues that arise in midst of fast changing, complicated and ambiguous operating environment.  We commit to helping our clients to not only “design” the solutions but also raise or deploy capital and assist in implementation, often together with our clients.  

Contact us by email at [email protected]

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