Register Now: 2024 China Auto Chongqing Summit (CACS2024) - Automobility
Creating the Future of Mobility
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Register Now: 2024 China Auto Chongqing Summit (CACS2024)

Theme: 2024 China Auto Chongqing Summit (CACS2024) – Shaping the Future of an Industry in Transition
Location: Chongqing Yuelai International Convention Center
Dates: June 6-8, 2024
Join us at the CACS2024, where industry leaders will explore the future of automotive technology amidst a backdrop of profound transformation. With a focus on new energy, intelligent networking, AGI industrialization, and more. Bill Russo, Founder & CEO of Automobility Limited and AmCham Shanghai Automotive Committee Chair, will participate and share his insights. This summit is not to be missed!

Key Highlights:

  • Influential Attendees:

– Stephen Hill, President of General Motors China

– Zeng Qinghong, Party Secretary, Chairman of Guangzhou Automobile Group

– Zhu Huarong, Chairman of Changan Automobile, Secretary of the CPC Changan Automobile Standing Committee

– Zhang Xinghai, Founder, Chairman of Seres Group Co., Ltd.

– David Zhang, Vice General Manager, Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Corp., Ltd.

– Fred Duan, President & CEO of Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales Service Co. Ltd.

– Johannes RoscheckPresident of Audi China

  • Industry Titans: Presidents and CTOs/VPs from component manufacturers like Bosch, Magna, BorgWarner, Aptiv, Continental, Valeo, Mahle, and Dana.
  • Global Representation: Representatives from foreign consulates in China, including the British and Hungarian consulates, and economic counselors from the British, Israeli, and Dutch embassies.
  • Distinguished Guests: VIPs from international organizations like OECD and IMF, and high-ranking officials from foreign automotive associations, including the President of Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association (KAMA).
  • Delegation: 

– International Delegations: Israel, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States will lead delegations to participate in the Chongqing Summit. They plan to set up national exhibition areas in the venue.

– Provincial and Municipal Delegations: Hubei, Jiangxi, and Henan are currently in the negotiation process. Provincial-level delegations are expected to attend the Chongqing Summit.

– Auto Parts Industry Association: A delegation of approximately 50 people from the automotive parts industry will participate in the forum, holding a matchmaking meeting with OEM procurement/technical executives.

Summit Focus:

  • Key Discussions: Era of smart connected new energy vehicles
  • In-Depth Understanding: Latest market, technology, supply chain dynamics
  • Stimulating Innovation: Corporate innovation and internationalization

Activities Include:

  • VIP Reception: Government representatives, senior executives from domestic and foreign automotive companies, and diplomats stationed in China will be invited to attend.
  • Matchmaking Meeting: Procurement and technical executives from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and representatives from auto parts companies will be invited to participate.
  • Factory Visits: Invited guests will have the opportunity to visit Changan Automobile and Seres Group for in-depth discussions.
  • Roundtable Meeting: The roundtable meetings will convene for the Chongqing municipal government, local businesses, and delegations from other countries and provinces.
  • Press Conferences: Support services for press conferences by attending delegations or companies if needed.
  • On-Site Exhibits: Exhibition areas for national delegates and corporates.
  • Chongqing Auto Show: Available for attendees during breaks.

Ticket Offers:

  • Regular Single Ticket: 4200 RMB/person
  • Regular Group Ticket (3+ people): 3600 RMB/person
  • Inclusions: Conference materials, Conference meals, authorized speaker materials and 2 tickets to Chongqing International Auto Show

📢 Registration: Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with industry leaders and gain insights into the latest trends. Scan the below QR code to register! Online payment or offline wire transfer are supported.

主题: 2024中国汽车重庆论坛(CACS2024)- 在变革的时代塑造行业的未来
地点: 重庆悦来国际会议中心

时间: 2024年6月6-8日

由中国国际贸易促进委员会汽车行业委员会和重庆国际汽车展览会组委会联合主办的“2024 中国汽车重庆论坛” (CACS2024),将以“在变革的时代塑造行业的未来”为主题,于2024年6月6-8 日在重庆悦来国际会议中心召开。参会行业领袖将重点关注新能源、智能网联、AGI产业化等领域,探讨汽车技术未来的转型之路。Bill Russo, Automobility Limited(上海谋拓商务咨询有限公司)的创始人兼首席执行官,同时兼任上海美国商会汽车委员会主席,将应邀出席本届论坛,并分享他对行业发展的深刻见解。


  • 重量级嘉宾: 通用汽车中国总裁Stephen Hill广汽董事长曾庆红长安董事长朱华荣,北京梅赛德斯-奔驰销售服务有限公司总裁兼首席执行官段建军,以及奥迪中国总裁Johannes Roscheck
  • 行业巨头: 博世、麦格纳、博格华纳、安波福、大陆、法雷奥、马勒、德纳的中国总裁及CTO或副总裁等。
  • 全球参与: 英国、匈牙利驻重庆总领事、泰国驻成都领事、英国、以色列和荷兰大使馆经济参赞等。
  • 尊贵来宾: 国际经合组织(OECD)和国际货币基金组织(IMF)中国区代表,以及外国汽车协会高层,包括韩国汽车协会(KAMA)会长。
  • 代表团:国际代表团:以色列、韩国、英国和美国将率代表团参加重庆论坛,并计划在大厅设立一个国家展位区域;省市代表团:湖北、江西、河南在洽谈过程中,预计会组织省级代表团参加重庆论坛;零部件行业协会目前约有一个50人左右规模的汽车零部件的代表团将参加论坛,并将与主机厂采购/技术高管一起召开对接会。


  • 关键讨论: 智能互联新能源车辆时代
  • 深度洞察: 最新市场、技术和供应链动态
  • 激发创新: 企业创新和国际化进程


  • VIP招待会: 政府代表、中外汽车企业高层及驻华外交人员受邀参加。
  • 对接会: 主机厂采购及技术高管,零部件企业代表等受邀参加。
  • 工厂访问: 邀请与会嘉宾参观长安汽车和赛力斯汽车,进行深入交流。
  • 座谈会: 计划重庆市政府及当地企业与国别、省代表团组织座谈。
  • 新闻发布会: 为与会代表团或企业提供新闻发布会支持服务。
  • 现场展览: 现场将设置国家展位及企业展位。
  • 重庆车展: 会议间隙,与会者可参观重庆车展。


  • 单人票: 4200元/人
  • 团体票(3人及以上): 3600元/人
  • 包含: 会议资料、会议用餐、嘉宾授权演讲资料及重庆国际车展门票2 张

📢 注册报名: 不要错过与行业领袖了解最新趋势的机会!支持线上支付或线下对公转账,扫描以下二维码立即注册!

Previous participants for reference 部分往届参会嘉宾供参考:



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