CNBC : Why American Automakers Are Failing In China [VIDEO] - Automobility
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CNBC : Why American Automakers Are Failing In China [VIDEO]

Media Source : CNBC

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Bill Russo contributed to this CNBC story on how American brands are losing relevance in the China market – and offers his opinion on why they must remain in the market in order to stay competitive internationally.

Detroit automakers like General Motors made a fortune selling cars to Chinese consumers after the Asian country opened its auto market to foreign firms in the 1980s. But the good times are over as Chinese firms have caught up with the foreign firms who once taught them the automotive trade. Top names like BYD, Geely and Great Wall are now making globally competitive products and many companies with tech backgrounds are entering the industry, too, including Li Auto, XPeng, Nio, Xiaomi, Huawei, Baidu, Tencent and Alibaba.


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