28 Jan Bill Russo Briefs Investors at CES
Las Vegas, NV, USA
January 8 & 9, 2019

China’s Path to the Digital Internet of Mobility
The world has entered a new era since 2008, with over half of the world population now living in cities, and this increasingly urbanized world challenges the established set of paradigms for personal and commercial transportation, especially in the densely populated urban centers in China.
The unique context of China’s urban transportation challenge, the high rate of adoption of mobile device connectivity, combined with the rapid and aggressive introduction of alternative mobility and ownership concepts will compress the time needed to commercialize connected and electric car technology and related services.
The NEV policy
– The targets for credits and how they translate into unit sales, energy density targets,
– Overview of the credit trading scheme and the fines
– Strategies of the major players towards NEV – local and international – including known product plans
– Which domestic and foreign OEMs are best placed
Enablers of mass electrification
– Challenges for the OEMs and suppliers to meet NEV targets
– Investment in charging infrastructure – what have the Chinese gov’t committed to?
– Foreign brands Vs domestic in an EV world
Bill Russo is the Shanghai-based Managing Director and the Automotive Practice leader at Gao Feng Advisory Company. His over-30 years’ experience includes 15 years as an automotive executive, including 15 years of experience in China and Asia. He has also worked nearly 12 years in the electronics and information technology industries. He has worked as an advisor and consultant for numerous multinational and local Chinese firms in the formulation and implementation of their global market and product strategies. While the Vice President of Chrysler North East Asia, he successfully negotiated agreements with partners and obtained required approvals from the China government to bring six new vehicle programs to the market in a three-year period, while concurrently establishing an infrastructure for local sourcing and sales distribution. Russo has a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from Columbia University in New York, and a Master of Science in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Russo is a highly sought after opinion leader on the development of the China market and the automotive industry.
Note: The Automobility Ltd team would be very pleased to tailor a briefing for your business on the disruptive trends occurring in the Auto Industry
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