Reinventing Mobility in the China Context - Automobility
Creating the Future of Mobility
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Reinventing Mobility in the China Context

We are pleased to share with you a briefing paper titled Reinventing Mobility in the China Context: Building the Internet of Mobility & Related Smart Car Technologies.  With the auto industry developments and the increasingly prevalence of the wireless internet and mobile devices, we expect that the Internet of Vehicles will create discontinuous opportunities for product and business model innovation.

We believe the conditions in China – the world’s largest auto market and the market with the largest number of both internet and “smart phone” users – will likely make it the incubator for rapid commercialization of such innovations. China’s urban transportation challenge, the high rate of adoption of connected mobile devices, combined with the rapid and aggressive introduction of alternative mobility and vehicle ownership concepts from new entrants, will ultimately compress the time needed to commercialize smart, connected car technologies and related services. Such developments will dramatically alter not just the feature content of vehicles, but may also usher in a revolution to the business model of the automotive industry – where a model focused on “users of mobility services” could emerge as a real alternative to the traditional model of “car ownership”.

We welcome your comments and feedback on our briefing paper or in general about our firm. This briefing paper simply serves as a “teaser” document on this topic.  We would be glad to meet you in person to share our data and perspectives in a fuller manner. Please let us know if you are interested in meeting.

Thought leadership is core to what Gao Feng does.  We will, from time to time, share with you our latest thinking on business and management, especially as it relates to China and China’s role in the world.

Best Regards,

Dr. Edward Tse
CEO, Gao Feng Advisory Company
[email protected]

Bill Russo
Managing Director, Gao Feng Advisory Company
[email protected]

Chee-Kiang Lim
Principal, Gao Feng Advisory Company
[email protected]

Click here to view the presentation:
Reinventing Mobility in the China Context

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